Thursday, 13 October 2016

Film sequence analysis

Film title; Example- Captain America The Winter Soldier (2013) The Russo Brothers.
Investigation; The sexualised female body in popular film.
Sequence time code; 2.19-2.45

Micro techniques used; Mood soundtrack used to suggest her heartbeat and fast beats suggest high octane makes spectator anticipate action. The fast soundtrack also builds suspense for outcome of sequence. Various camera angle throughout the fight scene which are used to show her fighting style. There is 0.7 cuts in this 26 second sequence which is used to show her fast fighting style. The blend of handheld and static camera immerses and distances the spectator from the action. Handheld camera work is used when following her throughout taking down the first enemy and static camera is used when Johannsson’s character is seen to be winning the fight. The end of the sequence distances the spectator from the action but objectifies Johannsson by the last shot in the sequence being her bum as she leaves the room. The only close up shots in the sequence are of either her bum or her face which could suggest that The Russo Brothers (directors) want the spectator to view Johannsson’s character in a specific way.   

Characterisation; In the short sequence Johannsson’s character Black Widow is seen as a strong woman. The way Black Widow is seen in the sequence is as a strong independent woman whom will do her bit of work for the team, the persistence of Captain America to know where she has done her job also suggests that they rely on her. Black Widow also shows no remorse and is ok with killing and injuring her enemy for the right of her team.

Messages and values; Ambivalence around female identity. Black Widow is a strong female character but she is still objectified throughout the film.


  1. Ryan - this is the minimum length and detail for meaningful and higher level analysis. You should use more film language, and provide more analysis of meaning and spectator positioning. You need to place this analysis in more context too - eg how do previous scenes lead to this scene in terms of representation of femininity? Use screen grabs and embedded clips - this is very important for the preparation of the script.

  2. Messages and values need more explanation, and there are probably more than you suggest being communicated by this scene in the context of the whole film.

  3. Find out whether there is any secondary analysis of this scene.
