Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Work in progress

I have chosen over sexualisation and objectivity for my SSRP as I find it interesting and in some ways frustrating how the role as a performer has changed from someone whom simply performs to someone who needs to let themselves be a billboard and an object of which companies can sell from. Specifically in high concept movies I believe that the auteur as a concept is now used as a person whom can be rinsed dry by companies to make the most money.

My main film that I shall be analysing is 'Transformers; Dark of the Moon' (2011 Michael Bay), realistically I could have used any Transformers movie as the basis of my main film but I have chosen the 'Dark of the Moon' because of Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Her influence in the movie is minimal as an actress, 'Dark of the Moon' was her first movie and she has had minimal work as an actress after. Her appearance in the movie is simply as a sexual object.

This is blatantly obvious in her opening shot in the movie. Which is simply a close up of her bum as she walks upstairs. I think that this scene best shows how Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is only in this movie for her appearance. Her other job as a Victoria Secret's model is obviously the reason for her role in the movie, the opening shot is simply of her bottom and she rarely says lines throughout the film because obviously Michael Bay realised after her cast her that she cannot act. Her main involvement in the movie is so that Shia LaBeouf and Patrick Dempsey can have a macho dispute in the classic who gets the girl.

When looking at the Jessica Chastain article that I have noted as secondary material in my SSRP, it became clearer to me that specifically in the recent rise of the big budget high concept movies that 'kick ass females' as Chastain calls them have had to come sexualised and in either the least clothing or the most tight fitting cat suit. Chastain then mentions how Ripley in Alien isn't sexualised and that she is still 'kick ass'.  


  1. A clear understanding of chosen topic, good examples and ideas involving focus films. Wide range of film sources including reviews and website. Just needs more research from books and magazines.

  2. I agree with Niamh here. I think we also need to narrow this down as I suggested last week, so that your focus is one aspect of this - it could be femininity or masculinity in action films or popular films? You need to be doing a lot more work in between lessons too. More images, more video, more secondary materials (there aren't any here I don't think). See my advice for this. Use the library - there are lots of books on femininity/objectification. You need a third film too, and it needs to be possible to find secondary materials that are relevant for your focus film and I'm not sure this is the case.
